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On the Issues


Texans deserve clean air and water, and they should have their energy needs met in ways that are clean, sustainable and affordable.

  • We believe the state must fully comply with the Federal Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, and we express our disapproval of the current policies which have led to unacceptable levels of pollution in Texas cities.
  • We want to preserve Texas beaches for all Texans, for all time. We oppose any efforts to cancel beach conservation and clean up programs and any reduction in funding for coastal environmental programs managed by the General Land Office.
  • We believe that polluters must pay for their pollution, not the taxpayers. We believe that polluters who have been grandfathered by existing laws must become compliant. We believe that the punitive damages should greatly exceed the cost of preserving the environment in the first place.
  • While we recognize the importance of oil and gas to the Texas economy, we support developing alternative and renewable energy sources. As it was for petroleum, Texas can become a leader in cleaner forms of energy as well as green jobs. We support a tax credit for all Texans who purchase an environmentally sound automobile.
  • Because of the Production Tax Credit, the wind energy industry has installed enough turbines to power the equivalent of over 18 million homes with clean electricity that will never run out. Killing the PTC would result in fewer energy options for consumers and more price volatility. We support a permanent federal Production Tax Credit for the wind energy industry.
  • We support the re-regulation of the electricity-generating industry. Absent re-regulation, we support legislative efforts to close the loophole on grandfathered plants, requiring them to be brought up to best available control technologies that are feasible and economically reasonable. We support increased State and Federal investment in public transportation.
  • We want to encourage conservation of the state’s waters. To that end, we would support a plan that integrates equally ground and surface water rights.
  • We support amendments to the Texas Animal Cruelty statute that close loopholes in the statute regarding ownership. 
  • We oppose the Keystone Pipeline.
  • We support the Citizens right to know when industry is planning building or expansion close to homes and business. We support the when there is an accident that industry responsible must compensate and clean up all they are responsible for in a timely manner.
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