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Texas Young Democrats respond to shooting in Odessa

Updated: Sep 8, 2019

Permian Basin — While we continue to learn more about the situation in the coming hours and days, the Texas Young Democrats send our heartfelt condolences to the victims of the shooting in Odessa. We are grateful for the quick response of local and federal law enforcement and commend our first responders. We stand in sadness with those who did not survive today, in solidarity with those whose lives will forever be affected, and in action with all those who raise up their voices for change. 

Over thirty Young Democrats from all across the state met in Midland for a meeting of the State Board, hoping to continue the work of our organization. Some of our members were off site and alone when we were forced to shelter-in-place. 

A fundamental tenant of our organization is one that uplifts the future of our state, including the voices of those who would otherwise be silenced. 

On a weekend that was supposed to be enjoyed by families in celebration, another community in our state has been subject to the horrors of gun violence and the abandonment of responsibility of our elected leaders, both statewide and federally. With every mass shooting, it is clear to us that some of our representatives do not prioritize the lives of those who elected them. 

We say with one voice: Enough

If the leaders will not change, then we need to change the leaders.



Press Contacts

Kolby Duhon President  (409) 543-2098

J.J. Martinez Deputy Communications Director (915) 490-1646

Jakob Lucas Press Secretary (281) 627-7513

1 Comment

Cara Horton
Cara Horton
Sep 09, 2021

Grateful for sharing thiis

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