If you are reading this, congratulations! You are taking the important step to be educated and informed about local politics. The Communications and Policy Teams of the Texas Young Democrats created this guide - the first of its kind for our organization- to break down some information and make it easy for you to learn about candidates, hear from candidates about what’s at stake this year, and get you information on the voting and campaigning process in Texas.
This guide is designed for first-time voters and young voters, but feel free to share this with anyone you think needs a refresher. You’ll be able to hear from (most) of the candidates themselves, see their policy points and get a print-friendly version to take to the polls!

Statewide Slate Voting Playlist
Special thanks
The TYD Voter's Guide was created by the best communications team ever assembled. Ever.
Jen Ramos, Communications Director
Marco Guajardo, Texas College Democrats Communications Director
J.J. Martinez, Deputy Communications Director + Website Designer
Prince Winbush, Deputy Communications Director
Jakob Lucas, Press Secretary
Pranutha Punukula
Gabrielle Harris
Camille Nguyen
A special thanks to Jen and Camille for translating the Guide into Spanish and Vietnamese.
A special thanks to TYD's awesome president, Celia Morgan, whom without her support this Guide would not have happened.
A special thanks to Nick Gilby from the Coastal Bend Young Democrats and Mary Elbanna, TYD policy director, for their help and support.
A special thanks to all the candidates who were interviewed for your time and continued support of TYD.
A special thanks to the endorsed candidates and their campaigns for their cooperation and continued support of TYD.
Lastly, a special thanks to the hundreds of thousands of young Democratic Texans who make up TYD. We will change Texas.
©2018 Texas Young Democrats. All rights reserved.
The TYD Voter's Guide is the sole property of the Texas Young Democrats. Reproduction of any kind is not allowed without expressed permission from the Communications Committee.