Important Dates
Early Voting: October 22 - November 2
Election Day: November 6, 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Voter ID Information
Some forms of photo identification include:
Drivers License/Commercial Drivers License from DPS
State ID from DPS
Concealed Handgun License issued by DPS
US Military ID (must have photo)
US Passport (book or card)
Your form of ID can’t be expired past 4 years if you are between the ages of 18-69. For voters 70 and over, the identification can be expired any amount of time if it is otherwise valid. Your name as printed on the ID does not need to match exactly as your name appears on the registration rolls. As long as the two versions of your name are substantially similar, you will be allowed to vote on a regular ballot. You can also still vote if the address on your ID does not match the address as it appears on the registration rolls.
If you cannot reasonably obtain a photo ID that meets this criteria, you can present one of the following documents but must fill out a declaration at the polls describing a reasonable impediment to getting a photo ID. You can present a copy or original version of the following document(s):
A government document that shows your name and an address (including your voter registration certificate)
Current utility bill
Bank Statement
Government check
Certified domestic birth certificate (U.S State or territory) that establishes your identity , admissible in a court of law.
Voter Supression
While not likely, there is the possibility that voter suppression or intimidation may occur at the result of others. Some examples include:
Aggressive questioning about voting qualifications (citizenship status, criminal record, etc.)
People falsely presenting themselves as election officials
False information about voting requirements ( ex. ability to speak English)
Harassment, especially targeting non-English speakers and voters of color
Threats of harm or retaliation for voting
Threats of termination of employment
Voter intimidation is illegal and goes against federal law. If you experience voter intimidation, report the intimidation to:
ACLU Election Protection Hotline: 1 866-OUR-VOTE or 1888-VE Y-VOTA (Spanish)
US Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline 800-253-3931
Texas Secretary of State 1 800 252 8683
Under Federal Law, all limited English proficiency voters throughout the US may obtain assistance in voting from a person of their choice, as long as the person assigned is not the person’s employer, an agent of the employer or of the voter’s union. In some polling locations, trained bilingual poll workers may be on hand to provide assistance in the relevant minority language and by law, polling locations must provide ballots in English, Spanish, and other identified languages spoken in the area the election is taking place.
A voter can bring a child who is 17 and under with them to the polls.
If a voter is disabled, has limited mobility, and/or cannot stand for long periods of time, they can request curbside voting where they can vote from their vehicle.
By law, polling locations must have ballots accessible in languages identified by the last census spoken in their area and it is the law that they must be in at least English and Spanish.
Where you can vote and what locations you can vote at will depend on the jurisdiction of your local county. For more information on polling sites, please contact your local Elections Office.
Under the law, there must be adequate accommodations made for the elderly and disabled to vote. Voters with disabilities may also receive assistance with the voting process by a person of the voter’s choice so long as the person is not an agent of the voters' employer or union. Voters with disabilities cannot be turned away from the polls because a poll worker thinks they do not have the capacity to vote.
The polls are open from 7:00 a.m.- 7 p.m. across counties. As long as you are in line at a polling location by 7:00 p.m., you have a right to cast your ballot. DO NOT LEAVE THE LINE as this will forfeit your ability to cast a ballot. A poll worker cannot tell you to leave if you are in line waiting to cast a ballot past closing.
If requested by an employee, your employer must allow you “sufficient” time to vote (that is paid time off) as long as the employee in question does not have two consecutive non-working hours on Election Day during the time the polls are open. There is no specific limit of time that can be allocated to cast a ballot.
If for any reason you are turned away from the polls, you are within your right to request and cast a provisional ballot.
Electioneering and Voting Materials
When going to the polls, you cannot wear clothes, buttons or accessories that display any type of political/campaign messaging or affiliation, as that is considered electioneering. If a person shows up to the polls with such materials, they may be asked to cover up their attire or leave with the request to wear something different. You cannot carry campaign signs or literature into the polls but you can bring in a small voters guide, sample ballot or list of candidates with you to take into the voting booth. Cell phones must be turned off inside a voting site or placed on silent. Photos of ballots are illegal and strictly forbidden (so do NOT take a selfie with your ballot) If you bring in a guide or sample ballot, do NOT leave it in the voting booth as this can also be interpreted as electioneering.
People are allowed to wear campaign materials, hand out literature and poll greet no closer than 100 feet from the door of a polling location. It is the responsibility of the polling site to designate a marker at each location (usually identified by a cone or sign). If an election worker asks you to leave but you are within the legal distance of a designated marker, you can contact the Secretary of State office as you are within your legal right to campaign as long as you are not intimidating voters. You can hand out campaign material but voters must either store it or dispose of it before entering the polls.
You are allowed to place campaign promotional materials (ex, yard signs) outside of polling locations as long as they are no closer than 100 feet from the door of a polling site. If you see someone tampering or destroying such materials, please report it to your elections office.