TYD Endorsed Candidates
Click the name of each candidate to learn more.
Eric Rodriguez
TYD endorsed candidate for Corpus Christi City Council, District 5
Would serve parts of Nueces County.
Key Platform Points
Be proactive with infrastructure
Implement mandatory preventative maintenance plans on the roads, sidewalks, and water lines
Become more environmentally friendly to protect our bay and wetlands
Ernesto Gloria
TYD endorsed candidate for Tarrant County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2
Would serve parts of Bowie, Camp, Cass, Delta, Fannin, Franklin, Grayson, Hopkins, Hunt, Lamar, Marion, Morris, Rains, Red, River, Rockwall, and Titus County.
Key Platform Points
Invest in infrastructure

Julie Ann Nitsch
TYD endorsed candidate for Austin Community College Board of Trustees, Place 9
Would serve parts of Travis County.
Key Platform Points
Provide access to affordable healthcare and implement paid sick leave
Improve transportation safety by improving shelter, lighting, and other measures at bus stops, increase ridership
Educators deserve healthcare benefits and a living wage

KT Musselman
TYD endorsed candidate for Williamson County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1
Would serve parts of Williamson County.
Key Platform Points
Ensure the courts are innovative, modern, and use the latest technology and practices to make both court and clerk functions easier and more efficient
Ensure that our courts are equitable and fair
Ensure that the justice of the peace is accessible and engaging

Zachary Price
TYD endorsed candidate for Austin ISD Board of Trustees, District 4
Would serve parts of Travis County.
Key Platform Points
Make sure every student has the resources they need to get to school and home safely
Create a sexual assault, harassment, dating violence reporting system that is adequate and effective for the needs of students and staff in AISD
Make sure every student gets a quality education